SLcoupler - RF/Microwave Design Software for Directional Couplers
Where Synthesis enables Analysis™
Where Synthesis enables Analysis™
Software Product: SLcoupler - Stripline Coupler
Atlanta RF Software offers RF/microwave CAE software product: SLcoupler, which performs Electrical & Dimensional Synthesis, Sensitivity Analysis and Frequency Analysis of stripline edge-coupled directional couplers, and includes the following product features:
Download the DEMO software product: SLcoupler-DEMO to explore the functions available and solutions offered to ease your everyday workload.
Software product: SLcoupler is a User-friendly and versatile design tool for developing practical directional couplers in stripline. Dimensional Synthesis is readily applied to thin-strip, soft-substrate construction, or thick-strip, air-line coupler designs. SLcoupler’s Frequency Analysis feature provides 4-port response profiles of your coupler’s design, including insertion loss effects caused by resistivity of metals, their surface roughness, and substrate dielectric losses. Sensitivity Analysis identifies which physical circuit parameter impacts Zoe & Zoo, so you can specify tolerances on Manufacturing drawings for highly reproducible designs. . . . . from unit-to-unit.
Download the User Manual for software product: SLcoupler to view the many features and capabilities that support your RF circuit designs.