Microstrip - RF/Microwave Transmission Line Design Software
Where Synthesis enables Analysis™
Where Synthesis enables Analysis™
Software Product: Microstrip - Microstrip transmission line
Atlanta RF Software offers RF/microwave CAE software product: Microstrip, which performs dimensional synthesis and electrical analysis of single-strip microstrip, and includes the following product features:
Software product: Microstrip computes the Impedance Sensitivity of your microstrip circuit to its physical dimensions, so mechanical tolerances during fabrication are well-controlled. Dispersion effects on Impedance: Zo(eff) and effective dielectric constant: Er(eff) versus frequency are part of Microstrip's Output Data, even when physical dimensions are synthesized.
Download our DEMO software product: Microstrip Demo to explore the functions available and solutions offered to ease your everyday workload.
Download the User Manual for software product: Microstrip to view the many features and capabilities that support your RF circuit designs.